Faith is born and lives in song
Psalms and canticles formed the heart of prayer and the music of the earliest Christian assemblies. How does your congregation develop, nurture, and teach this practice? Who takes part?
What are a few of your favorite hymns? How did you learn these hymns? How have you developed not only a memory of the old hymns but also an openness to new ones?
Lifting voices to God shapes basic attitudes, affections, and ways of regarding ourselves, our neighbors, and God. How do you feel gratitude, trust, sadness, joy, and hope knit into your body by music? How do songs become integral parts of the theology by which you live? When has singing drawn you into a strong group experience?
How do we sing to God?
How do you sing in your church? Do you sing hymns? Chant? Do you sing to the organ, or with recordings or bands? Do you use hymnals or sing words projected onto a wall? Who sings in your church? Does your congregation invite everyone to participate fully, or is it more intent on honoring God with a polished sound from those with special gifts for music?
Hymn singing is intrinsic to worship and faith experience. How can your congregation help everyone offer praise, lament, or dedication to God?