
Spiritual health

January 10, 2023

Could spiritual practices help young adults struggling with violence?

My daughters were in early elementary school 15 years ago, when the mass shooting at Virginia Tech took place 70 miles down the road from...

July 12, 2022

Dorothy C. Bass: Christian practices and a way of life abundant

Twenty-five years ago, the book “Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for a Searching People,” compiled and edited by Dorothy C. Bass, initiated a conversation...

November 24, 2020

John Swinton: Helping Christians with mental health issues starts with better language

  In the pandemic, churches may find that more and more congregants are struggling with mental health issues, but Christians haven’t always been the best...

January 7, 2020

Ministry on death and dying teaches people how to plan for the end of life

By Phillip Martin

  “It seems to me that one ought to rejoice in the fact of death -- ought to decide, indeed, to earn one’s death by...

August 6, 2019

Mel Williams: Singing our way to hope

By Mel Williams

  I come from a long line of singers. I remember as a child gathering around the piano with my parents to sing old gospel...

February 24, 2015

Andrea Palpant Dilley: Slacking off and the call to Sabbath

By Andrea Palpant Dilley

  At a conference I attended last year, Richard Foster, the Quaker spiritual writer and author of "Celebration of Discipline," spoke on the perils of...